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‘Road songs, singalongs, and bar-fly lullabies—all those small, potent moments of Self that occur somewhere between ‘E’ and ‘F’—Empty diners, old timers, and their own half-remembered brake-light flights—The dog-tag grandeur of postwar promises—The tawny promise of wheat fields in the morning sun—Casey’s Kona blend and $38 motels—Chuck Berry bursting out of some busted up jukebox in Helena, Arkansas at 7:33AM CDT—and part of you is out there too, somewhere, just off of an on-ramp, combing the morning grain; that elusive, long-wandering Yonder you’ve barreled towards so many times before—ghosts, coasts, HIGHWAYS & BYWAYS...’

"These are songs of transition and uncertainty. The speakers find themselves encased by the trivia of their lives. Some of them know why. The others have stopped asking. Most of them end up where they started. REVOLVING DOORS..."

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