Live & In Technicolor At...
September 2020
Sat, Sep 5: Vino Cellars Springfield, 6-8pm
Sat, Sep 5: Shuffle, 10pm-12am
Sun, Sep 6: Bear Creek, 2-5pm
Tues, Sep 8: Aviary with Justin, 6-9pm
Fri, Sept 11: Vino Cellars Branson, 6-8pm
Sat, Sept 12: Bear Creek, 2-5pm
Tues, Sept 15: Millwood Golf and Racquet Club, 7:30pm
Sat, Sep 19: Gotahold Brewing, Eureka Springs, 4-6pm
Sun, Sep 20: Wanderoo Lodge / Gravel Bar, Eureka Springs, 12-2pm
Fri, Sept 25: The Inn at Carnall Hall, Fayetteville, 5-8pm.
Sat, Sept 26: Piney River, 3-6pm
Sun, Sept 27:
October 2020
Sat, Oct 3: Wedding
Sun, October 4: Arlie's Farm brunch in Rogersville, 11am-2pm
Mon, October 5: The Cambridge, 3pm-4pm
Fri, Oct 9: Route 66 FTP, 6-8pm $150
Sat, Oct 10: Laura Burns house concert
Fri, Oct 16: Bear Creek, 6-9pm
Sat, Oct 17: Piney River, 3-6pm
Sun, Oct 18:
Sat, Oct 24: Bear Creek, 1-4pm
Sun, Oct 25: Arlie's Farm, 12-2pm
Previously Featured at...
January 2020
3rd (Fri): Pappo’s South, 6-8pm
4th (Sat): Bear Creek, 1-4pm
Pappo’s DT, 6-8pm
5th (Sun):
10th (Fri):
11th (Sat): Mothers, 4-7pm
12th (Sun):
17th (Fri): Pappo’s DT, 6-8pm
Patton Alley Pub,
18th (Sat): Lost Signal, 6-8pm
19th (Sun)
24th (Fri): Mother’s, 6-9pm
25th (Sat): Hotel V, 11am-1pm
Bear Creek, 1-4pm
26th (Sun):
30th (Thu):
31st (Fri): Pappo’s DT, 6-8pm
February 2020
1st (Sat): Bear Creek, 1-4pm
Pappo’s DT, 6-8pm
2nd (Sun):
7th (Fri): Great Escape, 6-9pm
8th (Sat):
Patton Alley Pub, 9pm-12am
9th (Sun):
12th (Weds): Lindberg's, 6:30-8:30pm
13th (Thurs): Shuffle, 8-11pm
14th (Fri): Boat Town Brewing, 7-9pm
Ryan--Pappo’s DT, 6-8pm
15th (Sat): Mother’s, 6-9pm
16th (Sun):
21st (Fri): Brick Street Brews (Rogers),
22nd (Sat): Bear Creek, 1-4pm
23rd (Sun):
28th (Fri): Pappo’s DT, 6-8pm
29th (Sat): Mother’s, 6-9pm
10-3 (Thurs): The Wildseed w/ Ryan Dunn, 6:30-8:30, Strafford
10-4 (Fri): Pappo's South w/ Ryan Dunn, 7-9pm, Springfield
10-5 (Sat): Hotel Vandivort 11am-1pm; Mother's Brewing Company, 6-9pm Springfield
10-6 (Sun): Bear Creek Winery, Walnut Shade
10-10 (Thurs) Missouri Spirits, 7-10pm, Springfield
10-11 (Fri) Pappo's Downtown, 6-8pm, Springfield
10-12 (Sat) Private Event, 4-7pm
10-17 (Thurs) Mother's Brewing Company, 6-8pm, Springfield
10-18 (Fri) Granny's Bathwater Tribute (opening), The Riff, 7pm, Springfield
10-19 (Sat) Piney River Brewing Company, 3-6pm, Bucyrus
10-25 (Fri) White River Brewing Company w/ Ryan Dunn, 6-9pm, Springfield
10-26 (Sat) Pappo's Downtown w/ Ryan Dunn, 6-8pm; Tie & Timber Beer Co., 9-11pm, Springfield
10-27 (Sun) Bear Creek Winery, 1-4pm, Walnut Shade
10-31 (Thurs) Mother's Brewing Company, 6-8pm, Springfield
March 2020
6th (Fri): Mother’s, 6-9pm
7th (Sat): Bear Creek, 1-4pm
Pappo’s DT, 6-8pm
8th (Sun):
11th (Weds): Lindberg's, 6:30-8:30pm
13th (Fri): Patton Alley Pub,
14th (Sat): Hotel V, 11am-1pm
Great Escape, 6-9pm
15th (Sun): Bear Creek, 1-4pm
27th (Fri) Wanderoo Lodge, 7-10pm
28th (Sat) Bear Creek, 1-4pm
Mother’s, 6-9pm
July 2020
Fri, Jul 3: Bear Creek, 6-9pm
Sat, Jul 4: Shorty Pants Lounge, Osage Beach, 6-10pm
Weds, Jul 8: Quarry Town gig, 6-7:30pm
Thurs, Jul 9: Wanderoo Lodge, 7-10pm
Sun, July 19: Bear Creek, 2-5pm
Sun, July 26; Bear Creek, 2-5pm
Tues, July 28, Paddlewheel: 7-11pm
Fri, July 31: Hepcat
August 2020
Fri, Aug 7: Route 66 Food Truck & Park, 5:30-7:30pm
Sun, Aug 9: Hepcat, 12-2pm
Tues, Aug 25: My Hot Yoga, 6:45
Sun Aug 30: Hepcat, 12-2pm